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Aluminum wine bottles are used by a Californian winery.

March 18, 2024

Aluminum wine bottles are used by a Californian winery.

California's Bogle Family Wine Collection launches its first 750 ml aluminum wine bottles, an innovative initiative aimed at offering a more environmentally-friendly solution. 

The bottles, marketed under the Element[AL] range, are fully recyclable and lighter than traditional glass bottles, weighing just 90g compared with 500g for glass bottles. Although this format represents a radical change, the company claims that market studies have shown a high level of buying interest in this new bottle among consumers, particularly young people.

This transition to aluminum has not been without technical challenges for the Bogle Family Wine Collection, requiring new equipment and adjustments to the production process. Despite higher initial costs, the company sees this innovation as a step towards a reduced carbon footprint, pointing out that aluminum bottles are lighter to transport, thus reducing emissions during transport. Studies on the environmental impact of this transition are ongoing, but early estimates suggest that aluminum bottles offer significant advantages in terms of ease of recycling. 

This paves the way for a new generation of consumers more committed to sustainability.

If you want to produce wine, you can trust the experts at Newmapak to help you.


Source: Beverage Daily

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