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Gipsy Hill Brewery launches true zero-carbon beers.

August 7, 2023

Gipsy Hill Brewery launches true zero-carbon beers.

London-based Gipsy Hill Brewery has made history by launching the world's first carbon-negative beers, without the use of offsets. This bold achievement is based on the use of innovative regenerative farming methods, paving the way for a profound transformation of the alcoholic beverage industry. It offers a glimpse of the potential of regenerative agriculture in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions.

The new beers, Swell Lager and Trail Pale Ale, have attracted attention for their exceptionally low carbon footprints. This achievement was made possible by an innovative approach to beer production. The key ingredients are certified regenerative barley, supplied exclusively by Wildfarmed, a company committed to promoting regenerative farming practices. This form of agriculture incorporates methods to improve soil health and sequester carbon. As a result, the regenerative barley used by Gipsy Hill sequesters more carbon in the soil than it releases into the atmosphere.

Another key element of this approach is the use of recaptured hops. These hops, normally discarded after fermentation of a batch of beer, are reused to add bitterness and flavor to new batches of beer. This innovative technique enables the brewery to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of hops.

The carbon lifecycle of the new beers has been independently analyzed by Zevero, a company specializing in carbon accounting. Although other factors contribute to greenhouse gas emissions throughout the life cycle of brewing products, the benefits of using regenerative barley and reclaimed hops were sufficient to make the total carbon footprint of these beers negative.

However, it's important to note that the transition to similar production methods may not be easy for other breweries, particularly larger companies that rely on cheap ingredients and often use carbon offsets to reduce their carbon footprint. 

As the industry continues to explore ways to reduce its carbon footprint, examples like this inspire hope for a future where consumer products can not only have a climate-neutral impact, but also actively contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Need advice to improve your beer production line? You can trust the experts at Newmapak to help you.

Source: Beverage daily

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